Thursday, July 28

Vingt-cinq (25) Rasul.. Bani Israel

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Untuk entri ini, IA, saya akan cuba menggunakan BM kerana khuatir maksud entri tidak mampu saya sampaikan dalam medium bahasa lain.

Selepas habis peperiksaan akhir tahun ini, banyak masa yang terluang yang sewajarnya diisikan dengan pelbagai aktiviti berfaedah. tambahan, bulan ramadhan yang bakal tiba mestilah didahului dengan amalan-amalan 'latihan' untuk menjalani bulan yang berikutnya.

Seketika duduk di dalam kamar berkapet merah ini, aku cuba membelek sebuah buku karangan paman Indonesia yang bertajuk 'Sejarah 25 Rosul'. Ia menceritakan perihal rasul yang wajib diketahui ini.

Sedang membaca buku ini, aku melihat asal usul keturunan Bani Israel ini. Sememangnya mereka adalah keturunan yang amat terpuji. Maka beginalah dapat disimpulkan.

(sekiranya salah, sila tolong khabarkan, agar boleh dibaiki untuk agama mulia)

Bani Israel ini adalah keturunan dari Nabi Ibrahem a.s. yang memiliki dua orang isteri. Siti Sarah (isteri pertama baginda) dan Siti Hajar (diberikan oleh raja Mesir kepada Nabi Ibrahem dan dibesarkan oleh baginda dan dikahwininya).

Keturunan ini diberi nama Bani Israel atas Bahasa Ibrani yang bermaksud suka berjalan pada malam hari.

Keturunan ini adalah merupakan keturunan yang:

1. Paling banyak berfikir / berakal seperti Nabi Ibrahem yang realitinya adalah anak kepada Azar (pembuat patung berhala), beliau tidak pernah sesekali ingin untuk menyembah berhala. bahkan, beliau yang dari kecilnya telah diletakkan di dalam hutan (kerana Raja Namrud akan membunuh setiap bayi lelaki) telah mula mencari perihal tuhan yang hakikat. Beliau memandang bulan, bintang dan matahari dan akhirnya membuat keptusan untuk menyerahkan diri bukan kepada bulan, bintang dan matahari tetapi kepada SANG PENCIPTA BULAN, BINTANG & MATAHARI YANG MAHA ESA.

Surah Al An'Am: 76-79 :
Ketika Malam telah menjadi gelap, dia melihat sebuah bintang (lalu) dia berkata, "inilah tuhanku". tetapi tatkala bintang itu tenggelam maka dia berkata "saya tidak suka kepada yang tenggelam"
Kemudian dia melihat bulan terbit dia berkata "inilah tuhanku" tetapi setelah bulan itu terbenam dia berkata "sesungguhnya jika tuhanku tidak memberi petunjuk kepadaku pastilah aku termasuk orang orang yang sesat"
Kemudian tatkala dia melihat matahari terbit dia berkata, "inilah tuhanku, ini yang lebih besar", maka tatkala matahari itu terbenam dia berkata "hai kaumku, sesungguhnya aku berlepas dari apa yang kamu persekutukan"
Sesungguhnya aku mengadapkan diriku kepada Tuhan yang menciptakan langit dan bumi dengan cenderung kepada agama yang benar, dan aku bukanlah termasuk dalam orang-orang yang mempersekutukan tuhan.

2. Paling banyak mendapat Nusrah Allah seperti Nabi Ibrahem yang ditinggalkan di dalam hutan namun tidak diganggu oleh haiwan buas dan masih hidup.

Juga sewaktu beliau, Ibrahim a.s. ketika dicampkkan ke dalam api, beliau masih selamat.

Al-Anbiyya 69:
(Kami berkata) Hai api, menjadi dinginlah, dan menjadi keselamatanlah kepada Ibrahim

Juga seperti Siti Hajar dan Ismail, tatkala ditinggalkan oleh Ibrahim a.s. di (Makkah) padang pasir yang tidak berpenghuni, Allah telah mengutuskan Jibrail a.s. untuk memberitahu tempat keluarnya mata air. kemudian ia diberikan nama ZAM-ZAM yang bererti berkumpul. dan juga seperti pengikut Musa a.s. yang diberikan hidangan dari syurga ketika lapar dan dahaga.

Doa dari keturunan ini pon dikabulkan oleh Allah seperti doa Nabi Ibrahim dalam surah Baqarah 126:
Ya tuhanku, jadikanlah negeri ini (MAKKAH) negeri yang aman sentosa, dan berikanlah rezeki buah-buahan kepada penduduknya yang beriman di antara mereka kepada Allah & hari kemudian. Dan Allah menjawab; kepada orang kafirpun Aku berikan kesenangan sementara, kemudian aku paksa mereka jalani siksa neraka dan itulah seburuk-buruk tempat kembali.

3. Keturunan ini terkenal dengan kasih sayang mereka seperti Nabi Ibrahim terhadap saudaranya Nabi Luth.

Al-Ankabut 32:
Berkata Ibrahim: sesungguhnya di kota itu ada Luth. Para Malaikat berkata; Kami lebih mengetahui siapa yang ada di kota itu. Kami sungguh-sungguh akan menyelamatkan dia dan pengikut-pengikutnya kecuali isterinya. Dia adalah termasuk orang-orang yang tertinggal (binasa)

4. keturunan ini melahirkan anak yang banyak-banyak dengan rahmat Allah swt. sehingga keturunan N. Ya'qub diberi gelaran (Al-Asbath) kabilah-kabilah / kelompok

Dari keturunan Nabi Ibrahim a.s. bersama Siti Sarah (dikurniakan Nabi Ishaq a.s. yang dikurniakan Yaqub a.s. dan salasilah sehingga Nabi Musa a.s.) dan bersama Siti Hajar (dikurniakan Nabi Ismail a.s. yang salasilahnya kepada nabi Muhammad s.a.w.)

Jadi dapat disimpulkan keturuan Bani Israel ini adalah terpuji. namun apakah sejarah yang seterusnya.
continue to part 2 later insha allah....

Saturday, July 9




Kaifa haluka?

It came up yesterday, just before im going to snooze (got tire revising patho), as I lay down on my couch, suddenly it came to me about a boy / gurl. That's really interesting to be talked of.

Bien sur, we are not speaking about his/her nature and identities at all (shhh.. its confidential) but really I would like to share some part of him/her that might be useful for us in becoming much lenient yet assure our lives.

Well, now-on, i shall speak about him/her by indicating the letter H (him/her). sorry, but its just got my hands ache to write it down many times.

There are some kinds of people that is really confuse about their lives'. (this includes me too.. :P )

to start of, let we know a little about confusion.

1. If we might ponder of, confuse means inability (or state of stumble) of individual to decide an actions corresponding to the nature & stimulus. this means, an act that inappropriate to the nature is a state of confusion too.

2. Now we shall seek the 'symptoms' that comes parallel to this state. They are:

i. Keep changing H thought for several times for petty reasons.

ii. Inability to respond to H surroundings (like clapping zestfully when people were mourning).

iii. Tries different things for a single leisure aspect with a reason of I don't feel like doing it from the start actually.

iv. Denying any actions that purely improper without a firm reasons.

v. Being unreasonable for most of H acts.

vi. Everyday, H keeps depressing as if there's not a day where the lucks is H's.

3. H are keen with their lives as well as 'concerning others lives' and H just can't stop comparing H to others and that demoralize them.

4. So, here come the major Q, what shall be done to these peoples. Here are some tips.

i. They need friends. Try to make-out one. If it may seems impossible, at least join this.

ii. Start to share and start to care about yourselves more than others. seek Help. an option is here.

iii. Know that everyone are confused, it's not just you.

That's all. Au revior et Ma'a salamah. wassalam

p.s.: This is just a scrap thought. feel free to flag it down.

Friday, July 8

Modern Pathology

(caricature is just as an imagination)

Assalamualaikum wbt.

Bonjour. C'est bonne matin pour j'ecris une article du Habitants problemes.

Encore, readily, once i'm reading the pathology it just let me think about the current muslim problems that had happened all around the world especially here (pointing to my heart).

So as a starter, i really like to name it as MUSLIM CONFUSION. but, ever-since this doesn't include all (whole) muslim entities; it really need a different un-provoke-able name as MY CONFUSION. (writing about ourselves lowers down others voices iA)

So, thats me.. being confused all day long standing there doing nothing. deliberately, no intention of dragging people into my confused state had been offered. it's just a sharing.

well, shall we see what had been buzzing me lately. simply there are only few big stuffs crossing ahead for instance;

1. Syiah, Wahabi & Salafi

Not interested to clarify them down, you really could ask any of the preachers for better grasps.

Yet, i would like to say few words about Syiah and what made Me been confused by it. It is one of the most path in Islam (claimed to be) that offered much and very much rukhsah as:

a. Nikah Mut'aah (that had been said to be legalized prostitution)
b. Solat Jamak (whole solats could be performed once at night)
c. Broad unanimosity

It later came to me to think about what happened actually, and after seeking some answers it was really happened before, but it had been outlawed by Allah later on. (still seeking the ayyah for this).

and its really sense-full enough to say when someone got horny. they should get married. but if its been outlawed. is it just a matter of chastity then?

well remember this 2.

i. being a slave to the God is about showing our devotion to him against whatever He tells us not to follow and obliged what had been told. it gives inner satisfaction.

ii. indeed sometime, sex had been too much irresistible, actually, you have and must to get married.

and there are other more suitable answers for it if we shall read more later on.

2. Political insensibility (Palestinian, Lebanon, Middle East upraising etc)

It's crucial to note them indeed to respond to these things. but never to forget the priority of syariah. which of which comes in line.

3. Economy

4. Social needs

actually, knowing MY CONFUSION is not the matter that i wanna draw you into. It's about how I could manage it. so shall later we see what suppose to be managed and how?

Who's role is it?

Wednesday, July 6

Qui est que ca veut dit BERSIH?

Bismillahirrahman Nir Rahim,

Assalamualaikum wbt.

Bonsoir, comment ca va?

It has been pretty some times since I've left my last steps here. well, i guess im gonna start to count it again and manage it well this time.

Alors! how are you guys out there?

Emm. actually, i'm gonna write about thoughts, decision, moratorium & timing.

first thing first, as a matter of fact, these rattles are nothing more than just my mere lame personal thoughts that might or might not be true and applicable at all. However, lately, since the case of BERSIH getting hot into the air and swayed some guys; it calls me to write a little of my thought about it.

thus, to be bare in mind, this is not a blueprint of perfectness.

1. well, to made it much smooth here, shall be pointed some of the factors that need to be seen before doing some decision.

i like it to be put under the heading of Thought & decision.

mere enough, some thoughts might change the world as well as swap it out. so which of which might lead to the best?

it came to me (and most of all) to decide which of which. simply these are the variables that need to be plain-ed before making an act:

i. aim
ii. objectives
iii. methodology
iv. expected benefits
v. foreseen casualties
vi. costs (human & non-human costs)
vii. alternative ways
viii. most importantly (but sorry to be put as the last) the shariah that covers all perspective of the acts

i'm leaving it to you guys to decipher & entails much more of the points.

remember, expressing your thought is not wrong. but giving the wrong thought is wrong. so its a matter of way of thinking isnt it? anyway, its not being narrow-minded here, its just the orientation of people making decision

2. now move into the moratorium & timing. alors, some time we are running out of time, but mostly, we have to be a sort of retard to say that we need time and the perfect timing is much more important than a mere sudden unexpected and undesirable acts giving like a hell of effects. :P (sorry for my french)

if even its much practised ever-since and proven to be highly effective; we've heard from our ancestors (very very old guys) that a crowd is more important than a batalion? a march is more vital than a memorandum. in deed, our apostles never use such act to ask for any subjugation. thats really 'inplausible'. and lots of ayyah tells us more about this. Tahaa as example in which Allah asks Harun & Musa to subjugate its will to Allah and persuade Pharaoh back to the righteous path. and He verily never ask these Rasuls to march to the pharaoh for doing so.

logically, during the time, lots of peoples were devastated to turn Pharaoh down, so gathering such crowd is easier than thought. but its not the way.

now lets speak again about BERSIH.

A. its a very nice intention and well planned. but, still. its not the right way to be done with. and here are the reasons:

i. it might have hidden agenda behind it since after all, the upper strata insisting on marching down the hill in spite of other alternative had been proposed.
ii. most of the benefits is self-sided (pertaining to the left parties) and not going to satisfy us in another 10 years. never onwards. (the want the opposition to win since this shows its equality and justice) thats not the case that guarantee our needs later on. Islam shall be denied! thats a total misleading acts
iii. the down-hill march just a miserable acts to our economical and democratic afflictions with international parties that will stay down & low in our next-economical funds. so what shall be happening next? ah ha? no more money? haha
iv. lastly, and most importantly, its not the way as what we have been asked to do so.

I leave the rest for you to figure it out. it's an actions that we have been calling for. row it or leave it?

p.s: play your role. wassalam

source: Al-quran, Hadis, Memorandum 4 our thoughts & Israel tactics...

Friday, April 15

A loaflet to be nibble

Assalamualaikum wbt,

Hari ini pergi Majlis Transisi Kepimpinan,

Lot of wisdom words ive heard today,

~ada junior ni tnyer.

Abng akmal, saya nak tanyer sikit. kenapa abng akmal skunk ni makin bahagia dan badan makin besar. Adakah abng dah jumpa calon yang dapat menjanjikan 3 perkara yang abang nak tu.

i just could smile and replied something.

~then ada seorang berkata waktu ambil hadiah.

Wah, akmal pon dah nak jadi sheikh dah.

I just could smile and ponder about what he thinks.

~lepas tu ada junior cakap pasal my result

I replied him nice.

thats not wat ive been thinking.. cuma this wat opened me up.

Peoples, sometimes, we think that we've did a right thing indeed we are not yet well acquainted with the TRUTH that we are not there. not even a step (in most cases)

and, we love to ponder (at least), and speak wat we've think right. but HOW FAR DID WE'VE WALKED OUR THOUGHTS?

thats a problem.

saying good thing is nice. but,our 2nd thought will lead us to feel bad and good at a time; once we did say and did not meant it. ahhh...

Faith, Believe, Thoughts, Actions, Wills and Hope are stuffs that not easily to be Tamed down into a coffee table to sip. haha

Monday, March 21

What a People we have..

Greetings and Assalamualaikum,

Just wanna share my thought for a moment.

people tend to see what had happened in front of us... in our arena and area... do we ever ponder what made it?

to be exact... like me, undeniably true that Japan wisely cope the disaster and lessen the woes.... and people tend to think on how they act and think..

but 1500 years ago, there a guys, achieved something even brighter and i... i dont even dare to sneak on why and how.... thats how i was mould i guess...

so lets prepare for a change.. changes perhaps... pray for all.. amen