Sunday, November 1

Im KIndA staRtiNG mY ReaL liFe

huihhhh it was never been expected n i was never ever like to be once a 'Ketua BAtch'..... sounds like a nice title. to steer up 200 BRillIanT MeD sTudenTS will be never eASY.......

beLOM cUBa bEloM Tahu......

FinE...... tHEN why dONT u GIvE it a TrY tHEn..... IvE proMIsed mY mOm To nOt GEt iNVolVed in anY tutttttttttt...... welL, i GueSS, iTS just MY luck then To BE ELIcted for......

HahA. oR iTS jusT My appEarncE ThatS Too Cool MadE thE gURl TO vOTE me More... Sh. C'mON.... ThEre ARe TENth OthER peoPLe tHATs BeTTer THAN mE......

well...... nak caKap BnaYk pon X gUnER..... BAek KItER bErASabr n redHA.... iNi uJIAn daRi ALlah..

wHat did i hope IS everyOne TO StAnd TOgEthEr Wth ME in THe SAkE oF ouR nAme; as A muslIm...

JuST let Me KnoW iF U GoT aNythng. em........ sebenarnya, im kinda worry about ThIS...... AFtEr All, i GOt so MaNY stUFF to bE looKed AftEr.... now, Im GonnA add tHis TiTle To mY 'sTuFF'. couLdnt Be hELP..... alLaH WIll HeLp uS anD I nEeD To helP mYsELf TheN.........

PLEZ DO tHe BEst..... cAN dO tHe bEsT (candodbez)EvEn thOUgH it IS just OnCe.... say it once lovely (sayitoncelovely).....


oklah.......... enouGh oF buTA bEnDE tak Der PekDAH nIh......... im nEED tO do mY job AS kEtuA bAtCh.......... gOnnA slEEP........

buYbye Mr. MuhAmmAd AkmAL..........

u gOnNA bE BEttEr now............

nEEd uR heLP tHRoUGHoUt tHEse YEarssss

N othER guYS

FARHanA (hope u'll recover quickly)
N OthER GurLS eSPeciALLy mY assisTANT asiLAH (hOpe to kNOW u SOOn)


Simple. said...

anything AKMAL
anyway congratsss

Meru said... aku bwah baem..
xnk tlg..
tkar balik..
kasi nme ak ats skali..

Anis Amirah Nawawi said...

haha.. bangga kot namaku 'teratas'!
aku sedia membantu kau la akmal..
jgn malu2 mnx tlg yea..

hUr said...

haha.wah2. bahagia nampak. u got bigger responsibility now and ahead. gud luck with that. :)

Humyra said...

congrats yeah...ketua SR baru. serious proud of you weyh. Learn to juggle between the responsibilities to yourself and the responsibilities to others. I wish you the best of luck! SR PALING COOL N STYLO AROUND. teheee

sAy iT oNce LovEly said...

thnx hum.......... wishing u all the best

AnAk iBu said...

hooo. ni SR nye belog.